I said, https://keepinganeyeonedi.ca/2024/05/20/topics-1-5/

(5) Will someone please call bull shit on this notion of linear versus holistic thinking? And on the moral ascriptions assigned to each (e.g. colonial settler to the first)?

I knew I’d seen an article pertinent to this question in my travels. Here’s a whistleblower on BS, John McWhorter:

"These included ways of looking at things that are “white” rather than correct: namely, objectivity, individualism, and valuing the written word. Schools Chancellor Richard Carranza was fine with this, happily telling the media that it’s white people’s job to do the “work” of identifying the racist assumptions in how they go about their business. 

So: to stand outside of matters and analyze them with one’s own private mind, and perhaps couch one’s conclusions with the considered artifice of writing rather than the spontaneity of speaking, is inauthentic for black and Latino people. It is racist to impose such things on black and Latino (and Native American?) kids....

...This view of precision and detachment as white is a view about, more economically, reason. The idea is that to master close reasoning is suspect. It is exactly the roots of the “Math is Racist” notion, and if you want a whiff of how religiously people can glom on to such ideas, take a look at my Twitter feed in the week after I posted about that here....

An educational poster was displayed that slammed not only objectivity, individualism, and writing, but linear thinking, quantitative reasoning, the Protestant work ethic, planning for the future, and being on time.

Yes, this was real – from people who surely bemoan the stereotype of black people as dumb and lazy!
  • John McWhorter. “NO MORE TESTS: WE SHOULD MEASURE BLACK KIDS ON THEIR “DESIRE TO KNOW.” (St. Ibram, 2019): The roots of this notion polluting our schools that it’s racist to make a black student actually answer the question.” It Bears Mentioning, Substack, April 23, 2012, https://johnmcwhorter.substack.com/p/no-more-tests-we-should-measure-black, accessed 21 May 2024