‘Hate’ and ‘oppression’ are sloppy concepts — and they slip loosely over your tongue. So you might want to hold it.

Don’t be dazzled by awards and honours. Every regime, good or evil, decorates its heroes.

Don’t be dazzled by one who lists her own awards and honours; i.e., toots her own horn. A lot of hot air passes through those pipes.

That a word can have a plurality of meanings is a duh. I need to know how you’re using it. (At which point you’ve stipulated a definition.)

Saying something as vacuous as words matter is a sure sign they don’t.

Telling someone she’s always being gaslit is to gaslight her. Funny though it may be, this statement means nothing. ‘Gaslight’ is an overused term and few who use it are psychologists. Even fewer are mind readers.

Satan is not whispering in your ear if you have doubts. While you don’t want to be crushed by doubt, healthy skepticism is … well, healthy. Play with your doubts.

Most people aren’t that bad. They just aren’t.

Mom’s best advice: 1) Life isn’t fair. 2) Not everyone will like you, and you won’t like everyone either.

A look at your future: Age and Guile Beat Youth, Innocence, and a Bad Haircut: Twenty-Five Years of P.J. O’Rourke

Laugh. At inappropriate things. At whimsical things. Most importantly, at yourself.