“Statement on the importance of diversity & inclusion”

"At UVic, we each have a responsibility and a role to play in creating an equitable, diverse and inclusive community. The Faculty of Fine Arts and the Department of Theatre agree that embedding equity, diversity and inclusion in all that we do is not only the right thing to do but essential for attracting and retaining people with the knowledge, perspectives and skills we need to achieve excellence."
"The department acknowledges that anti-discrimination work is intersectional work and a person’s experiences are shaped by the interaction of different social positions (e.g. sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, Indigeneity, racial and ethnic background, ability, faith, migration status, etc.). These interactions are rooted in interconnecting systems and structures of power that in turn produce differential experiences of privilege and oppression shaped by colonialism, racism, sexism, homophobia, ableism, patriarchy, transphobia, queer antagonism, trans antagonism, bi antagonism, and/or any other form of discrimination. We will continue to work to reduce all barriers, systemic and individual."

Provost’s Advocacy and Activism Awards in Equity, Diversity and Inclusion


In adjudicating these awards, we use the following criteria:

UVic acknowledges the presence of dedicated advocates and activists within our community. These individuals address systemic or institutionalized barriers as champions for others. Recognition from others, including the provision of resources, is crucial to fostering an environment that supports and nurtures these individuals or groups and their advocacy and/or activism.

These awards recognize the achievements of individuals or groups in the university community (current students, faculty, staff and alumni) who demonstrate dedication to the advancement of social equity through advocacy and/or activism. These awards also celebrate individuals or groups who go beyond the expectations of one’s job, position or responsibility to advance the rights of others.

Annually, a one-time cash award will be gifted to two (2) successful nominees based on the two themes of advocacy and/or activism. The amount will be divided evenly among recipients.

- Addressing systemic or institutionalized barriers as champions for others.
- Defending and upholding the rights of individuals to equity, diversity and inclusion.
- Engaging in original public action emphasizing justice and respect in support of positive change, including collective action.
- Creating transformative, ongoing and innovative social change that continues into future years. For example, this action may engage with underrepresented populations who are excluded from traditional methods of community engagement with the expectation that the action is not typically done once, but will continue to impact the university community and/or society.


- Taking an active role in influencing educational and community policies or issues through community engagement.
- Enacting social change demonstrated by ongoing, measurable results and outcomes in the UVic, or Greater Victoria community, or at a provincial, national or international level.
- Taking action to detect and address systemic barriers to justice in order to make UVic an inclusive learning, working, and living environment.